Tag: list

Why One List Won’t Do

Why One List Won’t Do

A common complaint that clients come to me with is that they say they are in touch with their customers but are not seeing results. When I start working with them, I will always review their existing content. Generally, I will discover the following points:

  • Many have an excel list which they have uploaded onto a platform such as MailChimp.
  • They are mailing their customers frequently.
  • They are including lots of valuable information in the mailings.

Of course, these are all the right things to be doing. However, to be effective further elements need to be expanded upon or looked at in further detail. Let us look at what else can be done:

  • Has the mailing list been segmented?
  • Are they sending targeted messages to each of those segments?
  • Is the communication consistent in tone and value?
  • Have they included a clear call to action?

These are just some points that could enhance the experience for the customer. Covering these in more detail can help their potential customers feel that the company is the right brand for them to be working with. Segmenting a mailing list provides the opportunity to make the messaging clearer to customers at different stages in a lead funnel and/or in different geographic regions or age groups. For example, there is nothing worse than telling a customer how good you are and what special deals you have on if you have just bought from them. This group of customers need to hear about what other products/services will work well with what they have bought already.

Other marketing activities to consider developing on are mentioned in my social media blog.

If you feel you are in this situation and would like an independent, no obligation review of your marketing activities please get in touch hello@boss.agency.