

Marketing activities work best when there is a goal, structure and measurement plan in place. Business Operations Solution Services can support with the following areas.

Marketing Plan

Suitable for small businesses who need a helping hand to get started or have been operating for a while and need a shake-up of their activities. It starts by considering the following:

  • Company overview – Mission statement, goals and objectives
  • Market – customers, trends, environmental issues
  • Competition – locations, pricing, value added
  • SWOT

Then creating a 6-12 month strategic marketing plan – identifying suitable platforms, campaign schedules and content topics based around your goals and objectives. See below for tactics on how to implement your strategy.

Lead Generation

Most organisations turn to marketing when they want to increase sales. BOSS can help fill your lead funnel with a variety of lead generation activities suitable for your business.

  • Videos
  • Case studies
  • Landing pages
  • Content creations (see below)

Content Services

Creating eye catching, informative content is so important in these busy times. Content needs to be consistent, have continuity and be placed in the right locations. Most importantly though, the interactions with the content need to be monitored in order to move forward in the right direction. These could include:

  • New content for brochures or social media
  • Blog posts
  • Press Releases
  • Award entries

CRM Services

Connections are very important in the business world. Keeping your data clean and relevant improves your analytics, your response rate and your bottom line. Areas to consider are:

  • Data cleansing
  • Report creation
  • Segmentation of data
  • Customisation – improving data relevance to objectives

Exhibition/Conference Services

Face to face interaction is very important and nothing beats building trust with a brand than meeting the people who work within the organisation. That is why events/conferences/trade shows should play an important part in your marketing activities. BOSS can help in the following areas:

  • Supporting your organisation’s representatives at events
  • Organising and planning speaking opportunities at events
  • Specific exhibition/conference pre-marketing

What to do next?

To discuss any of these options further please schedule a call or complete our enquiry form.